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Northern Way of St. James


The Northern coastal Route to Santiago as it passes through Asturias, was used by the first European pilgrims as it followed along a pre-existing route carved out by the local inhabitants thousands of years before especially between the European Coastal communities of the Atlantic Arc. From the dawn of the Jacobean era and due to the Moorish conflicts throughout Spain, this was the safest way to Santiago as only the Cantabric Coastline was free of the domination and attacks by the Moors. Afterwards, between the 12th-13th centuries, the Coastal Route was consolidated as the most popular maritime and overland way to arrive at Santiago.

The Coastal Route in Asturias passes through 23 Councils: Ribadedeva, Llanes, Ribadesella, Caravia, Colunga, Villaviciosa, Gijón, Carreño, Corvera, Avilés, Castrillón, Soto del Barco, Pravia, Muros de Nalón, Cudillero, Valdes, Navia, Coaña, El Franco, Tapia de Casariego, Castropol, Vegadeo y San Tirso de Abres.