Club de viajeros MUNDOPRO - Video

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Люди на Пути Святого Иакова

Интересный документальный фильм на английском языке о людях, которые следуют по Пути Сантьяго.    

Camino de Santiago and Finisterre – Documentary Film

This film do­cu­ments the pre­ci­se, mi­nu­te de­tail jour­ney of the peo­ple on the Ca­mino de San­tia­go and the Ca­mino de...
Nacho Marqués
12 Jun 2023

Weise von Santiago. Ich bin dann mal weg ...

War­ner Bros. präsen­tiert das deuts­che Ma­king Of zu "Ich bin dann mal weg". Abon­nie­re den WAR­NER BROS. DE "Ich bin dann...

Camino de Santiago. Documentary

Ca­mino de San­tia­go (The Way of Saint James) is the per­fect mix of tou­ris­tic-sports ad­ven­tu­re and re­li­gious sen­ti­ment....
Nacho Marqués
12 Mar 2023

Cantabrico. Galicia y Asturias

This is the first chap­ter of a trip along the nort­hern coast of the Ibe­rian Pe­nin­su­la that I star­ted in Ga­li­cia, going...

Cantabrico. Asturias y Cantabria

This is the se­cond part of a pro­ject that I star­ted last year and if everyt­hing goes well I hope to fi­nish in 2019. In...

El Camino de Santiago por la Costa

Des­cu­bre lo mejor del li­to­ral vasco a tra­vés de una ruta an­ces­tral re­co­rrien­do el Ca­mino de San­tia­go por la Costa. Más...
Nacho Marqués
19 Feb 2023

Return to Santiago - El Camino de Santiago

This is the story of our fifth Year wal­king the Ca­mino de San­tia­go (Unes­co World He­ri­ta­ge Site) - fo­llo­wing the an­cient...
Nacho Marqués
18 Dic 2019

People on the Way of St. James

Every peo­ple has their own way to live and we want to lis­ten to their story. "Com­pos­te­la" is a short do­cu­men­tary...

Camino del Norte - Северный Путь Сантьяго

Интересный атмосферный фильм, снятый в отличном качестве о Ca­mino del Norte или Северном пути Сантьяго – самом...
Nacho Marqués
09 Ene 2018